Our Mission

Welcome to Black Sheep Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, where compassion finds its home.

We stand by our mission to save the ones we can and give dignity back to those we can't by fighting for better conditions. Our commitment goes beyond just rescuing animals; it's about promoting a better world for all species.

Our Values

  • Save the ones we can, and give dignity back to those we can’t by fighting for better conditions. Access to clean water, nutritious food, fresh air and sunshine.

  • Enlighten those open to learning about the terrors of industrial farming, abattoirs, and mill breeders of puppies/kittens. Encourage them to share the lesson with those that they find open to learning.

  • To encourage support of local farmers and promote kindness and love to all species. Stand beside like-minded people at every opportunity to support humane treatment, and speak out against cruel practices used in todays agricultural industry.

  • Although our short term focus is on hens discarded from factory farming, Together with your help, we’ll provide a safe place to rest while urgent cases of dogs and cats find their forever homes. We all need a minute or two to gather ourselves from time to time.

What We Do

  • Rescue Animals

    We rescue former egg-laying hens, dogs, cats and other animals that need a better life; and give them shelter or provide them with safe places.

  • Educate Our Community

    We work with our community to educate and spread the word about factory farming and how we can all reach a better and more civilized life for animals and humans alike.

  • Provide Resources

    We provide resources for ethical product consumption, events, and guidance for starting your own ethical animal partnerships.

Once, We were abused, neglected, and abandoned;

Here, We are valued.
Once, We were broken;
Here, We will mend.
Once, We were alone;
Here, We are family.
We are all Black Sheep.